I cannot remember the last time I went on vacation without my laptop. It has been fifteen years at least. No laptops going to Panama for Husband or me.
Oldest Son and Youngest Son have no electronics of any kind. Zilch. We simply told them no.
Husband and I have iPhones but plan to minimize use and can only access with wifi. Our tent lodge on the island beach is quite remote so internet not easily accessable. Blogging is iffy.
Here is what the beginning of our journey looks like ...
Oldest Son printed out 60 pages of writings by Carl Schmidt to bring with him. I had to google Schmidt. Born in Germany in 1888, he is described as a philosopher, jurist, political theorist and professor of law. Oh and he was a Nazi. Not exactly lite beach reading.
Husband made a trip to Barnes & Noble to purchase the next book from the ninja series by Nicholas Linnear.
Youngest Son finally acquiescenced to buying a book at the airport when the reality of "nothing to do" during many hours of travel hit him. He just finished To Kill a Mockingbird so Harper Lee's next book was his choice.