I am a problem solver. I always have been. It it my survival mechanism. It got me through a nutty childhood. It was the driver behind becoming a mathematician. I built my professional life around this quality.
Well, there are not enough brain cells for me to solve the magnitude of problems coming at me. I am sure there is a platitude for this exact situation; perhaps it is "let it go" or "day at a time" or "one foot in front of the other." So the problem I need to solve is how solve the problems coming at me with this unnerving velocity. I figure out three things and there are twice that many that pop up next.
And it is definitely not going to get better. It is not. So. Here I am.
I feel ... that what we are supposed to focus on ... how we feel. I pulled up the feelings wheel. The Gold is all the feels for me: fearful, anxious, helpless, frightened, overwhelmed, worried, excluded, exposed. Then I will go to Blue: sad, lonely, vulnerable, despair, powerless, isolated. The Greys are how I feel about the current state of humanity: disappointed, appalled, horrified.
But I also hit a few Yellows: happy, interested, proud, thankful, sensitive, loving, courageous, successful.
No clever wrap up on this post.