Thursday, April 26, 2018

Week 3 with D

D brought home this drawing of me from school today. Ahhhh. I must admit that Commuter Husband and I got a hearty chuckle over what appears to be my beard but D says is my neck. Maybe it is a scarf? 

D's Emotional State

D's week has been full of real life hard emotions. Here are some of the questions and comments he conveys to me over and over:
  • I miss my Mom and Dad
  • I want my Mom and Dad
  • Why did this happen?
  • It is not fair
  • I want to see my family
  • Can I take this to my house?
  • The solitary "M o m m y" comes out as a primal cry
Tuesday afternoon was hours of tears and whimpering. Wednesday was less. On Thursday, our D only shed a few tears. Sleep and food followed the same pattern.

D has been moving to the couch in his room to sleep and burrowing into it. So I put a soft, velour bed seat on side of his bed so he could snuggle up to it ... he seems to like it. It appears he slept in the same room and possibly same bed as other kids so sleeping all by himself is understandably an adjustment.

It is brutal to see a six-year old so anguished. However, I am impressed with the way D can verbalize his feelings and experience his disappointment and confusion and sadness. I would be way more worried if he was not having all these feelings. Owning our feelings and being able to share them with others is emotionally healthy ... even when you are a little kid.

No surprise that D is already relying on grit. Even through all the emotional upheaval, he continues to be highly functioning at school and home. Today we saw lots of those smiles showing back up and his curiosity shining bright.

First Foster Care Schedule and Legal Restrictions Conflict

Today I faced a logistics problem directly related to foster care legal restrictions. Youngest Son came home sick and I made a 2:30pm appointment to go to the doctor. The problem was that I also had to pick up D at 3pm and Youngest Son was too sick to drive himself.

In my normal childcare world, I would have just called on a friend or fellow parent to get my kiddo. In the foster care world, I must have a certified babysitter and I do not have that support system quite established yet. It took me a few minutes but I decided I would just have to pull D out of school early and he would go with us to the doctor. Not the greatest approach but it worked.

The Foster Care Team Update

1) CVS Caseworker (CPS Conservatorship Worker) No updates from our CVS Caseworker since brief phone conversation last Thursday. I assume she will visit D at some point. Guessing D will have another family visit at CPS next week but no word yet. Family visits are usually weekly. We will be more prepared.

2) Guardian Ad Litem (Attorney for the foster child) D's attorney has not contacted us yet and court date is May 4.

3) CASA Volunteer D's CASA volunteer, if he has one, has not contacted us yet.

4) Therapist - NEW UPDATE We have the therapist evaluation scheduled for tomorrow at 4:30 at our house. It will take a least a couple hours. This is a legally required evaluation and our Agency helped make it happen. I was surprised and glad that they come to our home.

5) School Teacher - NEW UPDATE - D opened up to one of his teachers this week.

Glimpses ...

Miracle kiddie clock. D is getting up frequently during night so we have this clever device to help teach him time and when it is really morning (not 1am or 4am or 5:30am ...) Purchased with generous gift card! 
Another pupusa location! Does not look like much and in questionable area but tasty food for sure. A considerate  friend with friends from El Salvador tracked this down for us.

D picked out this cookie at "Sam Food and Beer" seen above. He told me his whole family eats these. He was so happy to get them. And I like them too! 
Distracting D while at the doctor with Youngest Son. Search books are the best!

LOVE when Commuter Husband gets home on Thursdays. D saw him pull up in front of house and excitedly ran to the door to greet him. Commuter Husband took over bath time and reading BOB books to D. Check out Commuter Husband's shoes - LOL!